
Readings: HTML Lists, Control Flow with JS, and the CSS Box Model


List are useful to clearly separate information by line, using bulltet points or other symbols. You can change the symbol by setting the attribute.


The CSS properties of margin and padding help place content in the right view level of the DOM.

Everything in CSS has a box around it. Boxes have an inner display and an outer display type.

The Box Model



Assignment x = f() x = f() Addition assignment x += f() x = x + f() Subtraction assignment x -= f() x = x - f() Multiplication assignment x *= f() x = x * f() Remainder assignment x %= f() x = x % f()


If a boolean with the value of false is combined with another value, the combined value will be assigned a boolean value of “false”.


When a user is not authenticated yet, a loop can be used to check their level of permission and proceed to unlock features if necessary.

Things I want to know more about

I want to understand how to point to object values and properties within an array.