
HTML Links, JS Functions, and Intro to CSS Layout

HTML links are wrapped in the <a> element. The href attribute is used to assign the link. Title attributes can be added to ensure accessibility.

<p> I'm creating a link to <a href="" title="The best place to find more information about Mozilla's mission and how to contribute">the Mozilla homepage</a>. </p>

CSS Layout

“Normal flow” is the default layout for CSS elements. Elements take up the entire span of width of their parent element, by default. Block level elements span the entire page, while inline elements span the width of their container.


Static positioning is the default that every element gets. Absolute positioning puts the elements in a position based on the distance the element should be from it’s sides.


Functions are first defined, then to use the function they must be called or “invoked”.

Functions can be defined with arguments. When they are invoked, parameter values can be passed into the function’s arguments.

Pair Programming

Being able to teach something is the best way to solidify it in your knowledge. Pair programing helps strengthen these skills:

Things I want to know more about

I want more time working on visually understanding CSS. I am happy to apply some of my previous with web/graphic design here. Just need practice. The static positioning and absolute positioning is especially flexible, along with finally understaning how flex box works.