
JavaScript Object Basics

  1. In video games we played as kids, there were in-game assets and characters that each had various skills and values. This gave us a simple collection of data, which the game would use to allow us to interact with the game, according to the properties of the collections we were interacting with. A javascript object is a collection of data which consists of key value pairs, and or functions that can be accessed through that object.

  2. Object literals are an efficient way of creating and defining key: value pairs. You can write out the objects contents as you’ve come to create it.

  3. Objects differ from arrays mostly because they can hold key value pairs instead of just a series of values. Arrays can have objects and objects can consist of arrays.

  4. Use bracket notation when the object’s key consists of a string of words separated by a space.

  5. The term .this refers to the object’s properties that are within this specific function’s parent object within it resides.

Introduction To The DOM

  1. The DOM is the Document Object Model which represents the page, the document structure, style, and content.

  2. The DOM can render javascript to visually represent on the page.

Understanding The Problem Domain

What’s the Difference Between Primitive Values and Object References in JavaScript?

Objects are references to a location in computer memory. Primitive values store the value directly and are immutable.

Things I want to know more about

How to access properties in JSON objects.